Are your trading decisions influenced by intraday trade activity? Are you always checking which strike prices are getting the most action? If you answered “yes” to either question, you may want to create a Menu Shortcut in QuikStrike for the Strike Detail Chart page under the Market Data tab.
You can start customizing your Strike Level Chart after selecting your desired product and expiration. This chart displays trade volume and open interest for both calls and puts by strike updated throughout the day. Simply hover over the blue bars for Calls and orange bars for Puts to see their respective values.
If you click the View Settings dropdown, you will be able to set the number of strikes and add filters to both the Volume and Open Interest chart. The image below displays the Has Open Interest Change filter which displays all strikes with intraday volume that have a change in open interest from the previous trading day.
Another filter to note is the Chart Value. This dropdown applies to the Open Interest chart. Use this chart to get a better idea the strike prices with the most/least intraday activity or to generate new ideas for positions in the selected expiration.
At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the Call and Put Summaries for intraday trading volume. The in-the-money (ITM) calls are intraday trades where the strike price was lower than the underlying price, while the ITM puts represent trades in the current session where the strike price was higher than the underlying price. Both out-of-the-money calls and puts had no intrinsic value at the time they were executed.
What do you think of our new intraday trade volume and open interest Strike Level Chart? Let us know your thoughts on this page, as well as all others in QuikStrike. Don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]. We hope you have a great holiday season!